Temperary API Ref of GeoPyTool

API Ref of GeoPyTool

created on Sat Dec 17 22:28:24 2016 @author: cycleuser Create Date: 2015-07-13 Modify Date: 2017-04-10 a tool set for daily geology related task.


based on Python 3.x need math,numpy,pandas,matplotlib,xlrd,chempy

Simple Sample:

1) opern a ipython console
2) import geopython as gp
3) TasSample= Tas("tas.xlsx")
4) TasSample.read()
5) from geopython import gui
6) gui.Show()

Geology related classes available:

1) Tas
2) Ree
3) Trace & Trace2 (with different sequence of trace elements)
4) Qfl & Qmflt & Qapf
5) Polar (projection of wulf net & schmidt net)
6) Harker diagram
7) CIPW Norm calculation
8) Zircon Ce4/Ce3 calculation (Ballard 2002)

know issues:

1) Only work on Python 3.x


Any issues or improvements please open an issue at here or leave a message to our website


a class of a double triangulars frame

Label: the label at the tree corners of the triangular

type: Label: a list consist of three strings

LabelPosition: just the Position of these Labels

type: LabelPosition: x-y style coords , three of them

Labels: description of the different region

type: Labels: a list containing multiple strings

Locations: the locations of those each one in the Labels

type: Locations: a list of triangular coord points

Offset: the offset value used to adjust the appearance of each one in the Labels

type: Offset: a list of x-y coord offset values

name: the file name used to read and use

type: name: a string

init(self, name=['Q', 'A', 'P', 'F'], Label=qapf.xlsx)

Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.



a Frame of TAS, REE, Trace Elements and other similar x-y plots

Width,Height: the width and height of the generated figure

type: Width,Height: two int numbers

Dpi: dots per inch

type: Dpi: an int number

Left,Right: the left and right limit of X axis

type: Left,Right: two int numbers

Base,Top: the left and right limit of Y axis

type: Base,Top: two int numbers

X0,X1,X_Gap: the left and right limit of X label, and the numbers of gap between them

type: X0,X1,X_Gap: three int numbers

Y0,Y1,Y_Gap: the left and right limit of Y label, and the numbers of gap between them

type: Y0,Y1,Y_Gap: three int numbers

FontSize: size of font of labels

type: FontSize: an int number

xLabel, yLabel: the labels put alongside with x and y axises

type: xLabel, yLabel: two strings

init(self, Width=Y Label, Height=X Label, Dpi=16, Left=7, Right=60, X_Gap=0, Base=9, Top=80, Y_Gap=0, FontSize=80, xLabel=6, yLabel=8)

Just set up all.


Use the setup to set up figure feature.


a line class

Begin: the Beginning point of the line

type: Begin: a Point Instance

End: the End point of the line

type: End: a Point Instance

Points: gathering all the Point Instances

type: Points: a list

X,Y: the gathered x and y values of the line to use in plotting

type: X,Y: two lists containing float numbers

Width: the width of the line

type: Width: an int number , mayby float is OK

Color: the color of the Line to draw on canvas

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Style: the style used for the Line

type: Style: a string; -, --,-., : maybe there would be some other types , from matplotlib

Alpha: the transparency of the Point

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

Label: label of the Line, telling what it is and distinguish it from other lines

type: Label: a string , if leave as "" or '' such kind of blank string, the label will not show on canvas

Sort: the sequence used for sorting the points consisting the line

type: Sort: a string, x means sort the points with their x values, y means use y instead of x, other means use the sequence of points as these points are put to the line

init(self, Points=, Sort=0.3, Width=-, Color=blue, Style=1, Alpha=, Label=[(0, 0), (1, 1)])

setup the datas

order(self, TMP=[])


sort the points in the line with given option


draw the line on canvas with its setup


a Point class

X,Y: the values of its x-y coord

type: X,Y: two float numbers

Location: gather X and Y as a tuple for further use

type: Location: just a tuple with two numbers

Size: the size of the Point to draw on canvas

type: Size: a number , int or maybe float also OK , better around 1 to 20, not too large or too small

Color: the color of the Point to draw on canvas

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency of the Point

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

Marker: the marker used for the Point

type: Marker: a string; o, d, *, ^ , maybe there would be some other types , from matplotlib

Label: label of the Point, telling what it is and distinguish it from other points

type: Label: a string , if leave as "" or '' such kind of blank string, the label will not show on canvas

init(self, X=, Y=o, Size=0.3, Color=red, Alpha=12, Marker=0, Label=0)

just set up the values


plot the Point to the canvas


a class for multiple Points

X,Y: the values of its x-y coords

type: X,Y: two lists consist of float numbers

Size: the size of the Points to draw on canvas

type: Size: a number , int or maybe float also OK , better around 1 to 20, not too large or too small

Color: the color of the Points to draw on canvas

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency of the Points

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

Marker: the marker used for the Points

type: Marker: a string; o, d, *, ^ , maybe there would be some other types , from matplotlib

Label: label of the Points, telling what they are and distinguish them from other points

type: Label: a string , if leave as "" or '' such kind of blank string, the label will not show on canvas

init(self, points=8, Size=, Color=o, Alpha=0.3, Marker=red, Label=12, FontSize=[(0, 0), (0, 1)])

just set up the values


plot the Point to the canvas


Polar Stereographic projection for structural data

name: the file used to plot

type: name: a string

init(self, name=['N', 'S', 'W', 'E'], Label=strike.xlsx)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

eqan(self, A)

eqar(self, A)

getangular(self, A, B, C)


schmidt(self, Width=k, Color=1)

read the Excel, then draw the schmidt net and Plot points, job done~

wulf(self, Width=k, Color=1)

read the Excel, then draw the wulf net and Plot points, job done~


inherit DualTri and Tool, read xlsx or csv file and make basic Qapf diagram

Tags: the Tags on this diagram for description of different units

type: Tags: a list of strings

Labels: the labels of the different units

type: Labels: a list of strings

Locations: the triangular coord location of these Labels

type: Locations: a list of tuples, these tuples contains the triangular coords

Offset: the x-y offset of these labels on canvas

type: Offset: a list of tuples containing x-y values

BinToTri(self, a, b)

Turn an a-b coord to an x-y-z triangular coord .

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

a,b: the numbers of the a-b coord

type: a,b: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding x-y-z triangular coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of x,y,z

Cross(self, A=[(0, 10), (100, 0)], B=[(0, 0), (10, 10)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of two numbers, the x-y of the crosspoint

Fill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0), (85, 15), (0, 3)])

Fill a region in planimetric rectangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in planimetric rectangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in planimetric rectangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriCross(self, A=[(50, 50, 0), (0, 0, 100)], B=[(100, 0, 0), (0, 50, 60)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B in triangular coord.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of three numbers, the x-y-z of the triangular coord

TriFill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0, 0), (85, 15, 0), (0, 3, 97)])

Fill a region in triangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in triangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in triangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriToBin(self, x, y, z)

Turn an x-y-z triangular coord to an a-b coord.

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

x,y,z: the three numbers of the triangular coord

type: x,y,z: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding a-b coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of a and b

init(self, name=10, Label=['Q', 'A', 'P', 'F'], FontSize=qapf.xlsx)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.




read the Excel, then use self.show() to show the frame, then Plot points, job done~




inherit Qapf, read xlsx or csv file and make Qapf diagram for Plutonic Rocks

Tags: the Tags on this diagram for description of different units

type: Tags: a list of strings

Labels: the labels of the different units

type: Labels: a list of strings

Locations: the triangular coord location of these Labels

type: Locations: a list of tuples, these tuples contains the triangular coords

Offset: the x-y offset of these labels on canvas

type: Offset: a list of tuples containing x-y values

BinToTri(self, a, b)

Turn an a-b coord to an x-y-z triangular coord .

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

a,b: the numbers of the a-b coord

type: a,b: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding x-y-z triangular coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of x,y,z

Cross(self, A=[(0, 10), (100, 0)], B=[(0, 0), (10, 10)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of two numbers, the x-y of the crosspoint

Fill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0), (85, 15), (0, 3)])

Fill a region in planimetric rectangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in planimetric rectangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in planimetric rectangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriCross(self, A=[(50, 50, 0), (0, 0, 100)], B=[(100, 0, 0), (0, 50, 60)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B in triangular coord.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of three numbers, the x-y-z of the triangular coord

TriFill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0, 0), (85, 15, 0), (0, 3, 97)])

Fill a region in triangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in triangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in triangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriToBin(self, x, y, z)

Turn an x-y-z triangular coord to an a-b coord.

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

x,y,z: the three numbers of the triangular coord

type: x,y,z: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding a-b coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of a and b

init(self, name=10, Label=['Q', 'A', 'P', 'F'], FontSize=qapf.xlsx)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.




read the Excel, then use self.show() to show the frame, then Plot points, job done~




inherit Qapf, read xlsx or csv file and make Qapf diagram for Volcanic rocks

Tags: the Tags on this diagram for description of different units

type: Tags: a list of strings

Labels: the labels of the different units

type: Labels: a list of strings

Locations: the triangular coord location of these Labels

type: Locations: a list of tuples, these tuples contains the triangular coords

Offset: the x-y offset of these labels on canvas

type: Offset: a list of tuples containing x-y values

BinToTri(self, a, b)

Turn an a-b coord to an x-y-z triangular coord .

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

a,b: the numbers of the a-b coord

type: a,b: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding x-y-z triangular coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of x,y,z

Cross(self, A=[(0, 10), (100, 0)], B=[(0, 0), (10, 10)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of two numbers, the x-y of the crosspoint

Fill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0), (85, 15), (0, 3)])

Fill a region in planimetric rectangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in planimetric rectangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in planimetric rectangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriCross(self, A=[(50, 50, 0), (0, 0, 100)], B=[(100, 0, 0), (0, 50, 60)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B in triangular coord.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of three numbers, the x-y-z of the triangular coord

TriFill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0, 0), (85, 15, 0), (0, 3, 97)])

Fill a region in triangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in triangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in triangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriToBin(self, x, y, z)

Turn an x-y-z triangular coord to an a-b coord.

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

x,y,z: the three numbers of the triangular coord

type: x,y,z: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding a-b coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of a and b

init(self, name=10, Label=['Q', 'A', 'P', 'F'], FontSize=qapf.xlsx)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.




read the Excel, then use self.show() to show the frame, then Plot points, job done~




inherit Tri and Tool, read xlsx or csv file and make QFL diagram

Tags: the Tags on this diagram for description of different units

type: Tags: a list of strings

Labels: the labels of the different units

type: Labels: a list of strings

Locations: the triangular coord location of these Labels

type: Locations: a list of tuples, these tuples contains the triangular coords

Offset: the x-y offset of these labels on canvas

type: Offset: a list of tuples containing x-y values

BinToTri(self, a, b)

Turn an a-b coord to an x-y-z triangular coord .

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

a,b: the numbers of the a-b coord

type: a,b: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding x-y-z triangular coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of x,y,z

Cross(self, A=[(0, 10), (100, 0)], B=[(0, 0), (10, 10)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of two numbers, the x-y of the crosspoint

Fill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0), (85, 15), (0, 3)])

Fill a region in planimetric rectangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in planimetric rectangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in planimetric rectangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriCross(self, A=[(50, 50, 0), (0, 0, 100)], B=[(100, 0, 0), (0, 50, 60)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B in triangular coord.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of three numbers, the x-y-z of the triangular coord

TriFill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0, 0), (85, 15, 0), (0, 3, 97)])

Fill a region in triangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in triangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in triangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriToBin(self, x, y, z)

Turn an x-y-z triangular coord to an a-b coord.

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

x,y,z: the three numbers of the triangular coord

type: x,y,z: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding a-b coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of a and b

init(self, name=['Q', 'F', 'L'], Label=qfl.xlsx)

set up the values


use the values to set up the general frame and lines, fill particular zone with given colors


read the Excel, then use self.show() to show the frame, then Plot points, job done~


just show the triangular frame on the canvas


inherit Qfl and Tool, read xlsx or csv file and make Qmflt diagram

Tags: the Tags on this diagram for description of different units

type: Tags: a list of strings

Labels: the labels of the different units

type: Labels: a list of strings

Locations: the triangular coord location of these Labels

type: Locations: a list of tuples, these tuples contains the triangular coords

Offset: the x-y offset of these labels on canvas

type: Offset: a list of tuples containing x-y values

BinToTri(self, a, b)

Turn an a-b coord to an x-y-z triangular coord .

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

a,b: the numbers of the a-b coord

type: a,b: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding x-y-z triangular coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of x,y,z

Cross(self, A=[(0, 10), (100, 0)], B=[(0, 0), (10, 10)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of two numbers, the x-y of the crosspoint

Fill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0), (85, 15), (0, 3)])

Fill a region in planimetric rectangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in planimetric rectangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in planimetric rectangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriCross(self, A=[(50, 50, 0), (0, 0, 100)], B=[(100, 0, 0), (0, 50, 60)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B in triangular coord.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of three numbers, the x-y-z of the triangular coord

TriFill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0, 0), (85, 15, 0), (0, 3, 97)])

Fill a region in triangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in triangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in triangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriToBin(self, x, y, z)

Turn an x-y-z triangular coord to an a-b coord.

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

x,y,z: the three numbers of the triangular coord

type: x,y,z: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding a-b coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of a and b

init(self, name=['Qm', 'F', 'Lt'], Label=qmflt.xlsx)

set up the values


use the values to set up the general frame and lines, fill particular zone with given colors


read the Excel, then use self.show() to show the frame, then Plot points, job done~


just show the triangular frame on the canvas


inherit Frame, read xlsx or csv file and use the Rare Earth Elements to plot the ree diagram

Element: the elements used in this diagram

type: Element: a list of strings

Labels: a ref of Element

type: Labels: a list of strings

WholeData: gathering all data and find the min and max of the data file to set the limits of Y

type: WholeData: a list of float numbers

X0,X1: the left and right limits of X

type: X0,X1: two int or float numbers

X_Gap: the space between the left and right limits of X

type: X_Gap: an int number

name: the file name to use in this diagram

type: name: a string

init(self, name=, Width=$REE-Standardlized-Pattern$, Height=16, Dpi=5, Left=3, Right=-1, X0=6, X1=-1, X_Gap=15, Base=15, Top=1, Y0=16, Y1=0, Y_Gap=80, FontSize=6, xLabel=8, yLabel=ree.xlsx)

Just set up all.


read the Excel, then use self.show() to show the frame, then Plot points, job done~


set the figure basic with the settings


a class for Tag put on canvas

Label: label of the Tag, telling what it is and distinguish them from other tags

type: Label: a strings , if leave as "" or '' such kind of blank string, the label will not show on canvas

Location: the location of the Tag

type: Location: a tuple consist of x-y values of its coords

X_offset,Y_offset: the values of its x-y offsets on coords

type: X_offset,Y_offset: two float numbers

FontSize: the size of font of the Tag

type: FontSize: a number , int or maybe float also OK , better around 8 to 12, not too large or too small

init(self, Label=12, Location=3, X_offset=-6, Y_offset=(0, 0), FontSize=Label)

set up the values


show the Tag on canvas with its offsets and font size, color and alpha are fixed for now


inherit Frame, read xlsx or csv file and use SiO2 , Na2O and K2O to plot tas diagram

Lines: the lines consisting the Tas frame

type: Lines: a list of lines

Tags: tags used for the items of Tas diagram

type: Tagas: a list of strings

Labels: labels on the canvas

type: Labels: a list of strings

Locations: the locations of these labels

type: Locations: a list of tuple containing two numbers as x-y coords

description: the description of the tas diagram

name: the file name used for tas diagram

type: name: a string

init(self, name=$na_2O + K_2O wt\%$, Width=$SiO_2 wt\%$, Height=12, Dpi=15, Left=15, Right=1, X0=16, X1=0, X_Gap=11, Base=77, Top=37, Y0=79, Y1=35, Y_Gap=80, FontSize=6, xLabel=8, yLabel=tas.xlsx)

just set up the basic settings


read the Excel, then use self.show() to show the frame, then Plot points, job done~


show the tas frame and lines of tas on canvas


a tool set for basic tasks, crosspoint calc, coord transfer and fill region with color

BinToTri(self, a, b)

Turn an a-b coord to an x-y-z triangular coord .

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

a,b: the numbers of the a-b coord

type: a,b: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding x-y-z triangular coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of x,y,z

Cross(self, A=[(0, 10), (100, 0)], B=[(0, 0), (10, 10)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of two numbers, the x-y of the crosspoint

Fill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0), (85, 15), (0, 3)])

Fill a region in planimetric rectangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in planimetric rectangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in planimetric rectangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriCross(self, A=[(50, 50, 0), (0, 0, 100)], B=[(100, 0, 0), (0, 50, 60)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B in triangular coord.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of three numbers, the x-y-z of the triangular coord

TriFill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0, 0), (85, 15, 0), (0, 3, 97)])

Fill a region in triangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in triangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in triangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriToBin(self, x, y, z)

Turn an x-y-z triangular coord to an a-b coord.

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

x,y,z: the three numbers of the triangular coord

type: x,y,z: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding a-b coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of a and b


inherit Frame, read xlsx or csv file and use the Trace Elements to plot the trace diagram

Element: the elements used in this diagram

type: Element: a list of strings

Labels: a ref of Element

type: Labels: a list of strings

name: the file name to use in this diagram

type: name: a string

init(self, name=, Width=$Trace-Elements-Standardlized-Pattern$, Height=16, Dpi=5, Left=3, Right=-1, X0=6, X1=-1, X_Gap=15, Base=37, Top=1, Y0=16, Y1=0, Y_Gap=80, FontSize=9, xLabel=16, yLabel=trace.xlsx)

Just set up all.


read the Excel, then use self.show() to show the frame, then Plot points, job done~


set the figure basic with the settings


inherit Frame, read xlsx or csv file and use the Trace Elements to plot the trace2 diagram

Element: the elements used in this diagram

type: Element: a list of strings

Labels: a ref of Element

type: Labels: a list of strings

name: the file name to use in this diagram

type: name: a string

init(self, name=, Width=$Trace-Elements-Standardlized-Pattern$, Height=16, Dpi=5, Left=3, Right=-1, X0=6, X1=-1, X_Gap=25, Base=26, Top=1, Y0=16, Y1=0, Y_Gap=80, FontSize=9, xLabel=16, yLabel=trace2.xlsx)

Just set up all.


read the Excel, then use self.show() to show the frame, then Plot points, job done~


set the figure basic with the settings


a class of triangular frame

Label: the label at the tree corners of the triangular

type: Label: a list consist of three strings

LabelPosition: just the Position of these Labels

type: LabelPosition: x-y style coords , three of them

init(self, Label=['Q', 'F', 'L'])

set up the values


just show the triangular frame on the canvas


inherit Line and Tool, line class for triangular coord

x,y,z: the list for gathering the x,y,z values of points consisting the line

type: x,y,z: three lists

BinToTri(self, a, b)

Turn an a-b coord to an x-y-z triangular coord .

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

a,b: the numbers of the a-b coord

type: a,b: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding x-y-z triangular coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of x,y,z

Cross(self, A=[(0, 10), (100, 0)], B=[(0, 0), (10, 10)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of two numbers, the x-y of the crosspoint

Fill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0), (85, 15), (0, 3)])

Fill a region in planimetric rectangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in planimetric rectangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in planimetric rectangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriCross(self, A=[(50, 50, 0), (0, 0, 100)], B=[(100, 0, 0), (0, 50, 60)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B in triangular coord.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of three numbers, the x-y-z of the triangular coord

TriFill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0, 0), (85, 15, 0), (0, 3, 97)])

Fill a region in triangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in triangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in triangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriToBin(self, x, y, z)

Turn an x-y-z triangular coord to an a-b coord.

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

x,y,z: the three numbers of the triangular coord

type: x,y,z: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding a-b coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of a and b

init(self, Points=, Sort=0.3, Width=-, Color=blue, Style=1, Alpha=, Label=[(0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)])

setup the datas

order(self, TMP=[])


sort the points in the line with given option


draw the line on canvas with its setup



inherit Point and Tool, a Point class for triangular coord

x,y,z: the list for gathering the x,y,z values of points consisting the line

type: x,y,z: three lists

sum: a value used in calc of coord transfer

type: sum: just a number, both int or float are OK

BinToTri(self, a, b)

Turn an a-b coord to an x-y-z triangular coord .

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

a,b: the numbers of the a-b coord

type: a,b: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding x-y-z triangular coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of x,y,z

Cross(self, A=[(0, 10), (100, 0)], B=[(0, 0), (10, 10)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of two numbers, the x-y of the crosspoint

Fill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0), (85, 15), (0, 3)])

Fill a region in planimetric rectangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in planimetric rectangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in planimetric rectangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriCross(self, A=[(50, 50, 0), (0, 0, 100)], B=[(100, 0, 0), (0, 50, 60)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B in triangular coord.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of three numbers, the x-y-z of the triangular coord

TriFill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0, 0), (85, 15, 0), (0, 3, 97)])

Fill a region in triangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in triangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in triangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriToBin(self, x, y, z)

Turn an x-y-z triangular coord to an a-b coord.

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

x,y,z: the three numbers of the triangular coord

type: x,y,z: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding a-b coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of a and b

init(self, P=, Size=o, Color=0.3, Alpha=red, Marker=12, Label=(10, 20, 70))

just set up the values


plot the Point to the canvas


inherit Tag and Tool,a Tag for triangular coord

BinToTri(self, a, b)

Turn an a-b coord to an x-y-z triangular coord .

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

a,b: the numbers of the a-b coord

type: a,b: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding x-y-z triangular coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of x,y,z

Cross(self, A=[(0, 10), (100, 0)], B=[(0, 0), (10, 10)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of two numbers, the x-y of the crosspoint

Fill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0), (85, 15), (0, 3)])

Fill a region in planimetric rectangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in planimetric rectangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in planimetric rectangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriCross(self, A=[(50, 50, 0), (0, 0, 100)], B=[(100, 0, 0), (0, 50, 60)])

Return the crosspoint of two line A and B in triangular coord.

A: first line

type: A: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

B: second line

type: B: a list consist of two tuples, beginning and end point of the line

return: the crosspoint of A and B

teturn type : a list consist of three numbers, the x-y-z of the triangular coord

TriFill(self, P=0.3, Color=blue, Alpha=[(100, 0, 0), (85, 15, 0), (0, 3, 97)])

Fill a region in triangular coord.

P: the peak points of the region in triangular coord

type: P: a list consist of at least three tuples, which are the points in triangular coord

Color: the color used to fill the region

type: Color: a string; b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white

Alpha: the transparency used to fill the region

type: Alpha: a float number from 0 to 1, higher darker, lower more transparent

TriToBin(self, x, y, z)

Turn an x-y-z triangular coord to an a-b coord.

if z is negative, calc with its abs then return (a, -b).

x,y,z: the three numbers of the triangular coord

type: x,y,z: float or double are both OK, just numbers

return: the corresponding a-b coord

teturn type : a tuple consist of a and b

init(self, Label=12, Location=3, X_offset=-6, Y_offset=(0, 1, 2), FontSize=Label)

set up the values, transfer x,y,z coords to x-y coords


show the Tag on canvas with its offsets and font size, color and alpha are fixed for now

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