

Function Brief description Reference
TAS plot Volcanic or intrusive rocks classification with SiO2 and (Na2O+K2O) Maitre et al., 1989, Middlemost, 1994
QAPF plot Plutonic or volcanic rocks classification with Q (quartz), A (alkali feldspar), P (plagioclase) and F (feldspathoid) Maitre et al., 2004
REE Compare Rare Earth Elements with standard samples as Spider Diagram to analyze the distribution, tendency and anomalies Boynton, 1984
Trace elements Compare Trace Elements with standard samples as Spider Diagram to analyze the distribution, tendency and anomalies Sun and McDonough, 1989
Rb-Y+Nb, Rb-Yb+Ta, Nb-Y, and Ta-Yb plots Tectonic settings classification with Y-Nb, Yb-Ta, Rb- (Y + Nb) and Rb- (Yb + Ta) for granites Pearce et al., 1984
Stereographic projection and rose diagram Virtualization and basic analyzation of outcrop occurrence; distribution, tendency and anomalies as a rose diagram with stereographic projection on Wulf net and Schmidt net. Zhou et al., 2003
QFL and QmFLt plots “Triangular QFL and QmFLt compositional diagrams for plotting point counts of sandstones can be subdivided into fields that are characteristic of sandstone suites derived from the different kinds of provenance terranes controlled by plate tectonics.” Dickinson et al. 1983
CIPW normalization CIPW norm calculation with multiple samples Johannsen, 1939; Washington, 1917; CIPW norm Excel spreadsheet by Kurt Hollocher
Zircon Ce4/Ce3 Calculate Ce(IV)/Ce(III) ratio in zircon to infer relative oxidation state in a wide range of intermediate to felsic igneous rocks. Ballard et al., 2002
Zircon and Rutile thermometers Use Ti element in Zircon and Zr element in Rutile to calculate the temperature of crystallization. Watson et al., 2006
Cluster A basic version of hierarchical clustering analyzation of different number valued items.
Loading any picture as base map Both X-Y plot and triangular diagram is supported, that means users can use any picture form any articles as their base map to plot data on and generate their diagram even it has not been contained by any other softwares. An original function
Fit and Contour map supported in X-Y plot Any picture can be imported as base map, and the data can be poly fitted and drawn with contour map. An original function
Multi Dimensional data Visualization and Statistics Data with more than three dimensions can be imported and statistical processed to be used on a 3-D Visualization. An original function
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